Wednesday 18 February 2015

Go For Gold

After watching Andre Dede Ayew weep on the night Ghana lost the African Cup final to the Ivorians, I felt indifferent and thought he was over reacting to the loss. I thought they had done more than enough and should not feel down because they could not win the cup. But i woke up today with a different view. I thought they had been successful with all the effort they put in. Sweeping all the awards, proving a whole nation wrong, the tenacity.

Today, I picked up a dictionary just to check what the word success meant. All the dictionaries gave me different meanings but one thing run through it all when i gave them a deeper thought.

When you have decided to go to sleep because you have reached there, someone is still moving because he is looking beyond your stand.

Success is relative that is why everyone has his or her definition of it. Do not be content with where you find yourself today. There is room to beat that mark. GO FOR THE GOAL.

When I'm Gone

Life has never been about making an income, it has always been about making a good impact in the society you find yourself in. The struggle, the pain, the sacrifice, the sweat, the tears are all aimed at making the world a better place. What will you remember me for when I am gone?

Keep Walking

On paper the plan looks good, when you are wooing her the future looks bright, when you are preparing for the interview the supposed end result looks great....Reality Check...executing the plan is difficult, the relationship is tough, the interview results is not assuring.......Keep in Mind: There has never been an easy path to success, the road to the top is filled with so many uncertainties, what will make you successful is that zeal of never giving up even when it is all falling apart. Never Let Go of Your Dream. PURSUE UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS

Friday 10 October 2014

The Unforgettable One

I don't want to be the best, neither do i want to be amongst the best. I just want to be that unique one who leaves an unforgettable mark at every encounter.

Let Go Of The Negativitty

Who told you, you have haters? Who told you, they don't want your good? Who told you, they are standing in your way to success?

Why don't you look at it this way? They want me to prove to them I can make it. I can survive their arsenals. I am born to win.

Let go of the negativity, always thinking someone is after you. You have all it takes to succeed. Be positive.

Put Your Mind To It

When you are not valued, do not be heartbroken. When you fail, do not be discouraged. When you have lost it all, do not give up. Did you not know there is time for everything? Did you not know you do not own yourself? Did you not know you can win the race? Did you not know you must keep trying until something happens? You are a victor, put your mind to it and you will succeed

Do The Right Thing Now.

No matter how hard it is to make that decision, do not run away from it. The longer it takes for you to make that difficult but right decision, the worse that situation gets. Think about the future and not the loss you will make today.